Over 300 talented graduates have defied external challenges to excel in the past two years by taking part in Tranzfuser.
In response to the fast-pace of change in circumstances in 2020, we opened the Tranzfuser to include more teams than ever seen before in the programme. The aim was to support the so-called lost cohort of graduates at risk of being negatively impacted by global events and record numbers of teams took part regardless of their self-enterprise or employment preferences. The key thing was to add real-world project experience to their portfolios. In the event three teams still shone through to be funded by the UK Games Fund.
This year, having seen how some of last year’s teams also put their experience to good use in securing jobs we offered a two-pronged approach to further support the “Lockdown Generation” in the shape of our distinct Employment and Enterprise Pathways.
With more than 40 teams across Tranzfuser this year, a full roster of events and support interventions for talented teams and individuals whose impact on the UK’s game dev sector will be felt – whether that is as part of an indie dev studio or in gainful employment – has seen a huge surge in Tranzfuser activity across the year.
With stand-out teams from the Employment Pathway awards, the culmination of the Tranzfuser programme of support activities and events saw the much-anticipated Enterprise Pathway online showcase wrap up this week.
The 17 entrepreneurial indie studios, all based right across the country, came together along with selected Enterprise teams to show off the hard work and passion that has gone into their summer projects.
Each Enterprise team had the opportunity to pitch for grant support from the UK Games Fund. As part of ProtoPlay, all teams had curated web content (as well as professionally produced game trailers), dedicated time with the ProtoPlay Live streaming team as well as having their projects assessed by industry expert broadcaster and journalist Jordan Erica Webber.
Whilst it is very much our intention to return to physical events when it is safe and permissible to do so, the teams that have progressed through the past 2 years have exploited the opportunity that has come their way, taking what has been an unprecedented challenge and turned it into an unforeseeable advantage for their future.
These teams – whether Employment or Enterprise focused – have all greatly improved their chances of professional success.
ProtoPlay 2021 saw our 17 Enterprise Pathway teams engage with and continue to grow their online communities in a professional and engaging way. The games have ranged fast paced multiplayer hero shooters to ethical documentary adventure games, but the sense of entrepreneurial spirit and passion has shone through in each and every one.
An announcement about this year’s teams that have been selected for support from the UK Games Fund will be shared soon.
So 2020 and 21 will go down in history for many reasons but our 300+ graduates have put lockdown to good use and already making their mark on the UK’s games development ecosystem.