All four studios from this year’s DunDev have secured Prototype Fund support from UK Games Fund.
After a successful month in Dundee at the third annual hothousing residential project, the four participating studios have joined the portfolio of indie dev companies from across the UK as part of the Prototype Fund.
For DunDev 2025, the focus of the four weeks was on supporting the highly entrepreneurial and passionate early-stage businesses improve their business development skills, alongside having the dedicated time to work on their games. Drawing from the wide pool of expertise from the UK Games Fund network, the studios had dedicated one-to-one time with industry veterans, investors and independent professional development coaches as well as group events with highly engaged publishers and industry peers.
Kirsty Gibson, Head of Impact at UKGTF, said:
“This year’s DunDev studios left everyone they worked with over the four weeks in no doubt that they were in it for the long haul; their dedication and professionalism was acknowledged by all who contributed to the programme. We have high hopes for their continued success beyond DunDev and look forward to following their growth as part of the UK Games Fund portfolio of funded companies.”

The four studios joining the UK Games Fund portfolio of funded companies are:
“DunDev showed us how invaluable it is to create and develop in an environment that encourages community and collaboration. While up in Dundee we spent those four weeks with three other teams. It felt like we were all apart of one big company working on four different IP’s, We supported each other.”
Ryan Drewry, Hunters Moon Games.

“The UK Games Fund truly has been a lifeline and an unparalleled wealth of knowledge for Tombstone Studios, the likes of which we would not have been able to find anywhere else.
The funding we receive and the connections we have made will enable us to not only just continue, but also complete, the development of our game; with financial stability and security. It will afford us the opportunity to potentially expand our studio and operations.”
Joe Ruck, Tombstone Studios.
Details about DunDev 2026 will be shared later this year.