Home\ Funded Projects\ Dead End Job

Dead End Job sends you into a madcap, Ren & Stimpy-esque world to bust up ghosts. It’s a procedurally generated, couch co-op, twin-stick shooter that straps a vacuum pack to your back, and puts a plasma blaster in your hand.

You take on the role of Hector Plasm, a worker at Ghoul-B-Gone – the #1 experts in paranormal pest control. Blast ghosts and then suck them up using your trusty vacuum pack, as every ghost you catch, citizen rescued, and job completed is added to the client’s bill.

Literally haunted by your former partner-cum-mentor who didn’t come back from a job one night, they’re training you up to save their soul before they’re forced to spend eternity as a spook (voted “Least Preferred Fate” in Ghost Hunter Monthly).

Have you got what it takes to be the best at putting pests to rest?

It was a launch title on Apple Arcade (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Mac), and also released on PS 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Check out the Game Trailer


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Big Indie Pitch Winner

PocketGamer, November 2017