Home\ Funded Projects\ Playhead

Playhead is a puzzle-platformer based inside a media player that uses the familiar timeline ui to manipulate time and progress through the levels. We plan on having an early noughties web cartoon art style with a variety of environments and playlists to explore.

The story is that you are a bot looking for glitches in the system and trying to fix them. The game will resemble online video sharing sites and will include a loose storyline told through the comments section allowing us to further showcase our Dislectek Tool.

[lvca_image_slider image_size=”medium” thumbnail_nav=”true” loop=”true” slideshow=”true” slideshow_speed=”5000″ animation_speed=”600″ class=”project-slider”][lvca_image_slide image=”4288″][lvca_image_slide image=”4289″][lvca_image_slide image=”4290″][lvca_image_slide image=”4291″][lvca_image_slide image=”4292″][/lvca_image_slider]

Check out the Game Trailer