All four studios secure grants to continue commercial development of their projects.
The first DunDev hothousing residential project saw four high-potential past-Tranzfuser studios come to the city of Dundee for four weeks to work solely on their own IP game development.
All four studios applied for the unique DunDev opportunity alongside other UK-wide game development companies that have previously taken part in Tranzfuser. These were all formed from graduate teams that originally studied during the pandemic yet had shown the resilience to come together with an enterprise ambition.
DunDev itself provided all participating studios with the vital support needed to allow them to focus their talent and passion on their work. This included high-standard living accommodation and office space, financial support and external consultancy from industry experts. The whole DunDev package was put together with the background and aims of the four studios in mind, creating a unique and bespoke experience for each team across the four weeks.
The closing week of the programme saw the studios pitch to the UK Games Fund for grant support to continue to work on their games over the next few months. The potential growth arcs and accelerated professionalism discretely demonstrated by the studios helped to secure the confidence of the UKGF panel in their potential for commercial success as indie dev studios.
Kirsty Gibson, Head of Impact at UKGTF, said:
“The UK Games Fund and Tranzfuser programmes have been in operation since 2015 and have both seen huge community growth, success and have created lasting economic impact. A residential hothousing project in our home city of Dundee, with all of its cultural and historical connections to games development, has been a vision of ours since the start of our work at UKGTF. Recent global events, whilst undoubtedly challenging, helped to accelerate our ambition as we were able to support these high-potential young dev studios that had already overcome the hurdles of 2020.
We were incredibly impressed with the work ethic of all four DunDev studios. Their professionalism, passion, and openness to learn is to be applauded. Each are fully deserving of the opportunity, and we wish them the very best of success as their now funded projects join our UK Games Fund portfolio.”
DunDev Studios and Funded Projects
• RAA Studios – Sinbad
• Alarming Ladder Studios – Mauled
• Solar Flare London – Fool’s Gold
• JFi – The Great Smog
Find out more about each project here.