Home\ News\ Tranzfuser 2016: where are they now?

As we reach the mid-way point of Tranzfuser 2017, we take a look back at the first year of the competition and how the teams that competed in 2016 are progressing.

Last year we had 18 teams working across the UK alongside the network of Local Hubs on a huge variety of projects. The showcase finale at EGX saw VR games stationed alongside 2D platformers and everything in-between. Since then, a selection of teams have established companies and gone on to join the UK Games Fund portfolio of funded projects whilst others have explored the world of professional games development in their own way.


Participants of Tranzfuser 2016 were recently asked to share their experiences of the competition with us. Below is a selection of quotes directly taken from the feedback from the class of 2016.

“My personal experience of Tranzfuser has been one of fast personal and professional growth. It allowed me to understand my position as a designer and creative director within a studio. It allowed me to gel with my colleagues more and understand how you work in a team with not only your friends, but other industry professionals.

It has been a journey that I will always look back on as being a turning point in my professional life as it gave me all the skills, contacts and drive to go and work as in Indie in the games industry.”

“Tranzfuser 2016 was a great experience and has equipped me with knowledge and skills for life in the industry as an independent developer, from managing budgets and people, attending shows, marketing my products, and making bespoke games and products.”

“Tranzfuser has been a fantastic journey for me through which I feel like I’ve improved myself both as a Sound Designer and a team player.

The set deadlines kept me and the team focused on the game and the EGX stand and the funding were great prizes to aim for, so I felt like giving my best to reach them.”

“Tranzfuser was hard. For the whole team, it was the most stressful few months we’ve ever experienced. We argued, we debated and friendships were pushed to the point of fracturing but without a doubt this was one of the most eye-opening challenges I’ve ever faced and if I could go back in time, I’d do it again; absolutely.

Even though we didn’t make it past EGX, I have an enormous amount of pride in what we achieved as a team; overshadowing anything a university group project could ever offer.”

“Tranzfuser was great, without it I wouldn’t have a job now, it helped me understand and demonstrate my skills as an artist within the industry and was a massive amount of fun from start to finish.

Overall it was one of the best things I’ve experienced.

I spent a lot on coffee :(“

With only two months now to go until the Tranzfuser 2017 showcase at EGX, excitement is now building. We’re looking forward to discovering what awaits the best of the UK’s games development talent.