Project Category: Round 10


Cyren is a town built up over the a drilling rig in the center of a vast, caustic lake. The toxic, glowing water, pumped from the very deepest parts of the lake, refined and distilled, powers everything on Cyren. It is the fuel burning in the boiler rooms and power plants, it is nutrient rich fertilizer that grows the crops, and it fills the baths the ultra-wealthy elite, mutating them into unrecognisable forms and giving them access to a dark power.

You find yourself among the faceless, a maligned underclass scratching a living by toiling in the bowels of the platform. Generations have past since this society was at its peak. The wealthy preside over crumbling institutions while the town itself falls into ruin around them. Journey into the dark heart of Cyren, meet its strange inhabitants and help to shape its future.

An Aisling

An Aisling is a mystery adventure game set on a fictional island off the coast of Ireland. A friend has gone missing and no one seems to be doing anything about it. There’s something wrong happening in this small island community. It’s only a matter of time before things get worse.

The game is a mix between Twin Peak, Night in the Woods, Telltales Walking Dead season 1 and Alan Wake. As Siobhan you can spend your day investigating the disappearance that has shocked the town to its core. Your fellow island dwellers will play a part in uncovering the truth, be it with their help or in spite of it.

When you’re not solving the mystery you can spend the time exploring the island. You could make friends or enemies, catch butterflies, feed the birds, pet the dogs, run through the woods at night, play games or take part in town activities. Maybe your journey will take you to the lighthouse on the most westerly point of the island and you’ll uncover something that was hidden.

Heavy Division

Heavy Division immerses players in a world on the brink of collapse, where multiple factions fight for control of dwindling resources and territory. As a commander, players will lead their armies in intense battles, making strategic decisions to secure victory.

SATSIM – The Virtual Space Lab

Build anything you want in space, using real world components, and send it to anywhere in the solar system.

SATSIM is a virtual sandbox and simulation game. Think Microsoft Flight Simulator meets a fun version of Matlab. We’ve gamified the major elements of space engineering, challenging users to build and launch the biggest space station they can. SATSIM is in alpha, having completed one game loop. Our demo is available on steam and we’re already testing it with our fans who are providing us feedback..

It’s Grim Up North

A quaint English village has been invaded by shape-shifting aliens! With his quick wit, skills and a bunch of sarcasm can retired detective (and pensioner) Terry Thomas uncovers the identities of all the aliens hiding among the villagers before his knees give way!?

Our game utilizes Point & Click gameplay with ludicrous puzzles similar to classic LucasArts games such as Sam and Max/Monkey Island. But that’s not all as we’ve incorporated turn-based combat sequences comparable to early Paper Mario games to provide some comedic fight sequences.

Check out the Game Trailer


“RestorArt” is an interactive and engaging casual puzzle game that puts players in the role of an art restorer working to restore valuable works of art for various clients. The game presents players with various challenges as they work through each piece, combining elements of puzzle-solving and art history to create an educational and fun experience.

Shadowlands – Rise of the Barghest

Strange things have been happening in Whitby. Some of the townsfolk have fallen ill under a serious life-draining illness; empty ships have returned to the harbour and there have been sightings of a huge beast roaming the moors.

This supernatural mystery, set in the Victorian coastal town, sees Ailsin, a spirit medium, invited to summon those on the other side. Academic and writer, Dr Shaw, is trying to expose Ailsin as a fake, whilst young novelist Bram Stoker, is determined to prove she’s genuine.

Ailsin travels through time, shapeshifts and converses with the other worldly when she has to free trapped spirits and prove her critics wrong. She’s forced to fight the demons and encounter dangers as sirens, vampires, Barghest and demons come to claim their victims.

Shadowlands is for players who enjoy games rooted in folklore, exposition and myths. The player takes on the role of the protagonist Ailsin. The game is part adventure and part mystery. Alongside multiple horror and fantasy elements, we combine combat and puzzle solving; players discover narrative objects and game tools to help unlock the puzzles. It’s for players who love worlds of nostalgia, the unexplained and extraordinary characters.